Howard Zinn: We Should Welcome the Collapse of the US Empire — Dandelion Salad

with Howard Zinn Writer, Dandelion Salad September 16, 2018 “Some day people will look back on 9/11 and sure they will see it as you know the first terrible act of terrorism committed in the United States by some foreign group but they may also see 9/11 as the beginning of the disintegration of the […]

via Howard Zinn: We Should Welcome the Collapse of the US Empire — Dandelion Salad

The Struggle Continues

This past month was marked by new stages in pipeline battles, in Canada, Minnesota, and North Dakota.  On August 29, 26 people were cited in Bemidji, Minnesota, after stopping traffic for four hours, facing Enbridge’s Line 3 , the largest tar sands pipeline proposal in North America. Ojibwe women were joined with the Board Chair of the Sierra Club, Lauron Blackford, Nellis Kennedy (Sierra Club’s Equity and Inclusion Director), and a number of Minnesota church leaders.  As well, Doug Rasch, a landowner in Clearwater County who faces eminent domain of his land by Enbridge, was cited and charged with disorderly conduct.”